Your Handy Checklist for Winterizing a Pool

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For those folks in the northeast, the summer season generally seems to fly by. As the days start getting shorter and the temperatures start dropping, pool owners are forced to begin taking into consideration the inevitable pool closing.

Filters, pipes, heaters and pumps-they’re all made from durable materials, however when they’re subjected to colder temperatures and ice, they run the risk of cracking Indo4DPools. If you don’t take the appropriate precautions for winterizing a pool, you certainly can do serious damage to this important investment-and ruin next year’s swimming enjoyment at the same time!

Start Planning Your Pool Closing Today

While all pools are slightly different within their setup, you can use these simple tips if you’re just learning just how to winterize a pool.

Balance your pool water.

As it pertains to pool closing, chemicals and pool closing supplies have to be dealt with first. You’ll want to modify your pH, total alkalinity and calcium hardness levels several days to per week before to your pool closing so that you have enough time to modify them if necessary. About 1 week just before pool closing, you should shock your pool with granular chlorine to permit the chlorine level to drop before placing the pool cover. Remember, high levels of chlorine can weaken a pool cover, so don’t permit the highly chlorinated pool water to interact with it.

Thoroughly clean the pool.

The cleaner your pool is when you cover it, the greater it will look next year. In your arsenal of pool closing supplies, you ought to have pool closing chemicals, that may work on organic matter left in the pool so there’s less chance of algae growth in the winter.

Decrease the amount of pool water.

Using a mesh safety cover? Take the amount to 8-12″ below the tile. For solid pool covers, lower the amount to 3-5″ below the tile. The low the water, the less harm to your cover.

Introduce your winter pool chemicals.

Look into buying a pool closing chemicals kit, which typically contains algaecide, borate floaters, stain and scale, and non-chlorine shock. Whilst the package instructions usually suggest adding the chemicals before lowering the water, you might find that adding them after boosts so the chemicals’ concentration. Spread the chemicals over your pool surface, making use of your pool brush to help disseminate them.

Clean the pool filter.

Cleaning the filter while winterizing a pool creates a high-functioning pool next spring. If you use a DE filter, remove the assembly from the tank and hose it down to remove all DE powder, which can clog the fabric causing creating filtration issues next year. For cartridge filters, the exact same rule applies, remove the cartridge and hose very thoroughly. After blowing the lines, place the filter cartridge or grid assembly back the tank for protection through the winter. Secure your filter lid and clamp band before and after blowing lines.

Remove your drain plugs.

Examine your pipes, pump(s), filter, heater and chlorinators, and remove any drain plugs. Open all directional valves to permit water to meet the water in the pool.

Blow out the lines.

The most crucial step for just how to winterize a pool, you must ensure there is no water left in the apparatus or plumbing. Blow out the lines with a robust shop vac or even a small air compressor. If you don’t feel confident with this, make completely drain all equipment and add non-toxic pool antifreeze to the plumbing lines to prevent freeze damage.

Plug your lines.

Once you’ve blown out the lines while winterizing a pool, use expansion plugs or freeze plugs to plug returns, skimmers and cleaner lines.

Turn fully off the circuit breaker.

To turn off power to the pump, switch off the circuit breaker. That is also the time to switch off any timer dogs on enough time clock, in case that the breaker gets switched on accidentally through the winter.

Remember, you don’t have to go it alone when winterizing a pool. If you have any questions about pool closing chemicals, pool closing supplies or the procedure generally, contact the local pool professionals. They’re experts at it!